Thursday, February 3, 2022

What is Cloud computing


What is Cloud computing

Cloud computing means delivery of different services by the Internet. These services means tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking and software.

Keeping files on cloud based storage make possible to save them to a remote database.

It is a popular option for people and business and also cost saving to save data on cloud based storage. It provides productivity, speed, efficiency, and security.

In cloud computing information accessed and found in cloud or virtual space.

Cloud computing can be used both for Public and Private Purposes.

Public cloud provide their services over internet for free or at cost.

On the other hand Private cloud providing services to a certain peoples.

Types of Cloud Services

        Followings are the types of Cloud Services.

1.                  Email.

2.                  Storage and backup.

3.                  Analyzing data.

4.                  Audio and Video streaming.

5.                  Delivering of software on demand.

Types of Cloud Computing

    Followings are the types of Cloud Computing

1.                  Platform as a services(PaaS)

  It is a more complex and three layer cloud based computing. It is actually services of creation of software that is delivered by internet.


2.                  Infrastructure as a service(Iaas)

It includes the delivery of everything from Operating System to Server and Storage by IP based connectivity on demand. In this method the client not sale but provide to client as Outsourced on demand. The examples of this ISM Cloud and Microsoft Azure.


3.                  Software as a Services(SaaS)

It include provide the software applications to customers. Sale our on license and provided through pay as you go on demand. The Example included Microsoft Offices 365.  


Advantages of Cloud Computing

i.                                Ability to use software from any device

ii.                              Can carry one device to other device.

iii.                            Here user can check their Email , Storage , Received and sent.

iv.                             The cloud allow to user to save space on their desktop.

v.                               It is cost effective, save and secure.

vi.                             No risk of deletion

vii.                           Can access anywhere and anytime.


Disadvantages of the Cloud

i.                                Sensitive data can go to other hand

ii.                              Medical and financial information can go wrong hand

iii.                            May be victim of natural disaster, internal bugs and power outages.

iv.                             Data and other sensitive information can be stolen or hack



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