Friday, February 4, 2022

how can i lose my weight quickly


How can I lose my weight?

In this universe everyone want to look more attractive and smart. By achieving this Goals men and women used many different methods, tips, tricks.
Specifically women use variety of Methods and use heavily cosmetic products for their beauty and smartness.
The big problem for everyone specifically for women is fatty body.
I recommended you to put some time for himself and think about yourself because when u are physically fit then everything will be fit , that's why you need to spend some time for yourself for healthy and smart life.
Every women like to look more smart Physically.
Here we are going to list some Food helping you losing your weight and for smart life.

1. Eating Adequate Protein

         For losing weight Protein is Good Choice .you can on daily basis eat recommended Protein in ur   diet.
      For Example for Male and Female
                   56–91 grams per day for the average Male
                   46–75 grams per day for the average Female

      You can Protein from the Following Food
       i.          Meat
       ii.         Fishes and Sea Foods
       iii.        Eggs
Vegetables based Beans, Legumes etc
These are Protein rich Food that u should apply
in ur life

2. Green Leaf Vegetables

  You should included Green Leaf Vegetables in

Your daily routine.
These vegetables included.
i.       broccoli
ii.     cauliflower
iii.    spinach
iv.    tomatoes
v.     cabbage
vi.    cucumber

These Vegetables are helpful for losing ur

3. Exercise

Exercise is most important factor in losing weight  
fastly because when we perform exercise then
more Metabolic reactions occur that lead to

more fat reduction.

Exercise including

1.      Joining Gym and perform activities 3-4 days in
         a week.
2.     Yoga is good habit for losing weight fastly
3.     Jogging, jumping, running, cycling, swimming
         are Helpful in losing fat.

4. Manage your Stress Level

Always manage ur stress level. You can reduce
your stress level by cooling down ur mood.
Increase ur tolerance Power and talk politely
with others .Few moments, in ur beasy life, visit
Beautiful and charming place and stay there
almost one hour regularly.


4.Avoid Spicy and Junks Food

Always avoid spicy and junks food for eating because spicy and junks have enough oil in it. Rich oil fried food is a reason of obesity and weight gain so avoid this type of food and always eat from home not from bazar or market

Now we are going to describe some tips for weight lose quickly.

i.           Eat rich Protein foods.
ii.         Drink water before eating.
iii.        Eat soluble fiber.
iv.        Drink Coffee and Tea
v.         Drink Normal hot water
vi.        Avoid Drinking Bottles and Juices.
vii.       Eat slowly
viii.     Take Good Sleep
ix.       Avoid sugar and it's related products.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

What is Cloud computing


What is Cloud computing

Cloud computing means delivery of different services by the Internet. These services means tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking and software.

Keeping files on cloud based storage make possible to save them to a remote database.

It is a popular option for people and business and also cost saving to save data on cloud based storage. It provides productivity, speed, efficiency, and security.

In cloud computing information accessed and found in cloud or virtual space.

Cloud computing can be used both for Public and Private Purposes.

Public cloud provide their services over internet for free or at cost.

On the other hand Private cloud providing services to a certain peoples.

Types of Cloud Services

        Followings are the types of Cloud Services.

1.                  Email.

2.                  Storage and backup.

3.                  Analyzing data.

4.                  Audio and Video streaming.

5.                  Delivering of software on demand.

Types of Cloud Computing

    Followings are the types of Cloud Computing

1.                  Platform as a services(PaaS)

  It is a more complex and three layer cloud based computing. It is actually services of creation of software that is delivered by internet.


2.                  Infrastructure as a service(Iaas)

It includes the delivery of everything from Operating System to Server and Storage by IP based connectivity on demand. In this method the client not sale but provide to client as Outsourced on demand. The examples of this ISM Cloud and Microsoft Azure.


3.                  Software as a Services(SaaS)

It include provide the software applications to customers. Sale our on license and provided through pay as you go on demand. The Example included Microsoft Offices 365.  


Advantages of Cloud Computing

i.                                Ability to use software from any device

ii.                              Can carry one device to other device.

iii.                            Here user can check their Email , Storage , Received and sent.

iv.                             The cloud allow to user to save space on their desktop.

v.                               It is cost effective, save and secure.

vi.                             No risk of deletion

vii.                           Can access anywhere and anytime.


Disadvantages of the Cloud

i.                                Sensitive data can go to other hand

ii.                              Medical and financial information can go wrong hand

iii.                            May be victim of natural disaster, internal bugs and power outages.

iv.                             Data and other sensitive information can be stolen or hack



Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Top Ten Countries with High Population

 Here We are going to mention Top Ten countries with HIGH POPULATIONS.


                No.                                      Country                                Populations

                  1                                            China                                    1439323776                              

                  2                                             India                                     1380004385

                  3                                            United State                           331002651

                  4                                            Indonesia                               273523615

                  5                                            Pakistan                                 220892340

                 6                                             Brazil                                     212559417

                 7                                             Nigeria                                   206139589

                 8                                            Bangladesh                            164689383

                 9                                            Russia                                    14593 4462

                10                                          Mexico                                    128932753

Tuesday, April 28, 2020



Developmental Biology


                                          Study of the embryo is called embryology.
                     It is the juvinile stage of animal which it is continued within egg or in maternal body.

                                                              Type of  Development
                                                  there are two types of Development
                  1.Onto genetic Development
                  2.Phylogenetic Development

                                                           1. Organic Development
This development based on the individuality such as environmental experiences,observations,emotional etc.
                                                          2. Phylogenetic Development
This developmental based on evolutionary perspective .what is phylogentic line of that individual.

                                       Stages of ONTO GENETIC DEVELOPMENT 
 i)            Gametogensis
 ii)           Fetilization
 iii)          Cleavage
 iv)          Gastrulation
  v)          Organogensis
 vi)          Histological  Differentiation

                            It is depend upon the SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT
                            It is depend upon the ASEXUAL DEVELOPMENT

                                        HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT
1. Aristotle
2.Karl Ernst Von Baer

              had describe the development of CHICK in the EGG as early as 340 BC

2.Karl Ernst Von Baer
             Later data is presented by VON BAER in 1828.
             and base on following FEATURES.

   i)        General features appear earlier.
  ii)        Specific features appear later.
  iii)       Embryo cleavage by time.
  iv)       Common features appear earlier and Uncommon feature appear later
                                      THEORIES ABOUT  DEVELOPMENT
                           1.Theory of Subst ance and Form
                           2.Theory of Pre-formation
                           3.Theory of Epigensis
                                       1.THEORY OF SUBSTANCE AND FORM
i)    This theory was given by the Aristotle.
ii)   Substance or medium given by Mother
       Form is given by Father

                                      2.THEORY OF PRE-FORMATION
     i). Animals are produce by EGGS and always present in the EGG (pre-form)
     ii). It is same as FLOWER BUDS after cutting it grow into FLOWER.

          Who beleived that EGG contained EMBRYO.
          Who beleived that SPERM contained EMBRYO.

                                              3.THEORY OF EPIGENSIS
                                        This theory given by the Fredrick Wold
 i). It describe that both EGG and SPERM is necessary for DEVELOPMENT

                                             TYPES OF EMBRYOLOGY
i).    Descriptive embryology
ii).   Experimental embryology
iii).  Comparative embryology
iv).  General embryology
v).   Specific embryology
vi).  Modern embryology

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